Artists Statement
Hello, my journey into art became apparent in 1997 when in a gap of employment I decided to go to college as a mature student. There followed a foundation course and degree in Applied Arts which was the most amazing opportunity, course and time I could imagine. Following on from my studies I was directed into a job as an Artist for a company making ceramic murals. Not able to believe my luck I stayed there for 13 years when, with many others, the opportunity of redundancy came along. This I saw as my opportunity to go it alone. So using the redundancy and some wonderful part time job opportunities in the gallery sector I was able to delve into me. Having had that major gap between study and 'playtime', it was hard for me to pick up where I left off and get back in the zone (and to be honest I still do now, like any creative, we all get creative block!). So I ventured to galleries, worked in them, pulled out the pencils and began drawing and essentially started to look around and see. After a while the juices started to flow and I was off making lots of mistakes and fortunately some successes.
Nature Nurture has come about after looking at the husks on seeds and how they peel off and mix into the soil around the seed to produce nutirents to make the new plant hardy. The same can be said of human parents giving their child the morals and sensibilities to become a strong adult. This range has taken me from testing on jewellery to making sculptures now residing in Greece. I have loved every minute of this range and will carry on regardless but I have to say I have an itch I must scratch so watch this space for something a little different……