Debbie Nairn is a sculptor of shape and design. She takes her inspiration from nature. Lifecycles and growth become form and line.
Debbie designs her sculpture then uses materials which can be manipulated to marry with the concept.
“I have always been amazed by Mother Nature and the construction of living things. The way life grows, it's support systems, protection, stamina, defence mechanisms and instincts. What an engineer.”
Having a degree in ‘Applied Art, Jewellery Metalwork and Ceramics’, the sculpture is the fine art then the craft is used to create, including small pieces to appeal to all.
“My jewellery comes, not only from experimentation but from the wee small hours of the morning when sleep eludes me and the creative brain cells are busting at the seems.”
Each range has a different concept but will often be designed following a similar thought.
Along with Debbie’s interest in relationships she also connects with the way we bond and connect as humans, plant life and other animal life. The interaction between 2 becomes an interaction of materials. Two materials connecting relationships.